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#1452 (3) [X]
[22:33:46] <Ron> i'll just have to start up a political debate
[22:34:01] <&Jeg> Oh christ
[22:34:07] <Hunter> Ugh
[22:34:09] <Hunter> heh
[22:34:21] <Hunter> I'd laugh my ass off if you did that and art suddenly showed up
[22:34:24] <Hunter> *started talking
[22:34:36] <Ron> hehe


[03:13:57] * arturus ([email protected]) has joined #Vast_Empire
[03:14:09] * arturus ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
Comment: You know art was all, "I sense a disturbance in the Force."
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#1453 (2) [X]
<Ron> One day, sir, you will reply to this. And on that day I will feel as one sheep approached by a giant, bearded shepherd.

*the next day*

<Kadann> what's up?
<Ron> that was awesome
<Kadann> :)
Comment: That was awesome.
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#1455 (1) [X]
<%Sam> You have been ousted
<Ron> and surgically altered
<@Rogueboy> with a prosthetic third guy
<@Rogueboy> eye*
<@Rogueboy> wow...
<Hunter> . . .
<%Sam> ...
<Doc> I prefer the third guy
<Willtconq> when did you get the second?
<%Sam> Must have gotten it from rogueboy.com
<Doc> Wouldn't you like to know ;)
- +
#1458 (2) [X]
<Hunter> Seriously man, learn good grammar
<Drexhel> No! I refuse!
<Drexhel> Kidding :p I'm actualy working on that
Comment: Oh, the irony . . .
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#1459 (1) [X]
<~Dionysus> like their ships don't have much for turbolasers or the sort, but they're heavily armored and have poles that extend from the front meant for ramming
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#1460 (3) [X]
* @Chesh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: <Epium> Talons the devil!][<Bear> my mortal enemy is Talon][* Fury digs out the oft ungiven red star of asininity and gives it to Tal][<Malik> you're evil! >:Þ][<Athran> well I'm going to get out of here <Athran> before Talon tries to take more revenge on me][<Cosmic> Tal is evil.)
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#1463 (4) [X]
<Jenny|Wraith> 44D, 44M, which is bigger?
<Bacredi> M
<Havvie> lol
<Jenny|Wraith> well, characterwise, I'm a female.
<Doc> M is... backbreakingly larger
<Jenny|Wraith> alright M then.
<Bacredi> I believe it is the largest size, ever
<DeepSix> you'd need custom made uniforms lol
<Jenny|Wraith> then I'll do D.
<Havvie> yea your so disquaified for military service with an M
<Jenny|Wraith> can't have it that large....
<Skarr> It'd work for some bulletproof vest though.
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#1465 (2) [X]
<Hunter> The main one is in the living room meaning it gets used by everybody that sees it (much like your mom :p )
<Doc> That kinda failed
<Hunter> The other one is in my mom's room and she is always on it looking for jobs and stuff
* Hunter shrugs
<Hunter> Figured I'd give it a shot
<Hunter> If it failed, its from lack of practice
<Doc> That explains what she said last night
<Hunter> And then the Ubuntu one is in my room and nobody but me touches it
<Hunter> Dammit
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#1466 (4) [X]
<Jenny|Wraith> look, aren't we following the star wars history?
<Skarr> Loosely.
<Hunter> No
<Hunter> Well
<Havi> at the moment yes
<Abbeh> Sort of
<Hunter> What he said
<Havi> soon no
<Hunter> Wow
<Abbeh> Lol
<Hunter> That was like four different answers :p
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#1467 (5) [X]
<Skarr> Lots of people are here, but only few are actually speaking.
<razorsedge> Come to #wildcard skarr
<razorsedge> Your missing all the fun
<Watson> Join #wildorgy instead
<Watson> its better

* razorsedge ([email protected]) has joined #wildorgy
<razorsedge> heyyyy
<razorsedge> you werent lieing
<Watson> well
<Watson> this is awkward

Comment: Watson = Ron
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