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#153 (1) [X]
<Toki> i get to driveee today
<Wicket> woohoo!
* Wicket makes a note to not get on the road
<Toki> good idea
<Toki> I've heard a rumor that I drive on sidewalks
<Doc> On that note I might actually be ON the road
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#502 (-1) [X]
* Blue jumps in the but cavity
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#1518 (1) [X]
<Angel> that was weird.
<Jeg> You're face is weird.
<Angel> Your ass is weird.
<arturus> Well that's 10 seconds of my life I'll never have back...
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#526 (2) [X]
<Verkur> And now my mouth feels wierd
<Tibbs|Schweet> Thats what she said.
<Verkur> I was hungry
<Tibbs|Schweet> Thats what she said.
<Verkur> Yay my mouth is making saliva again
<Trevor> that's what she said
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#1463 (4) [X]
<Jenny|Wraith> 44D, 44M, which is bigger?
<Bacredi> M
<Havvie> lol
<Jenny|Wraith> well, characterwise, I'm a female.
<Doc> M is... backbreakingly larger
<Jenny|Wraith> alright M then.
<Bacredi> I believe it is the largest size, ever
<DeepSix> you'd need custom made uniforms lol
<Jenny|Wraith> then I'll do D.
<Havvie> yea your so disquaified for military service with an M
<Jenny|Wraith> can't have it that large....
<Skarr> It'd work for some bulletproof vest though.
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#1489 (1) [X]
<Hunter|Firefly> [17:35] <Angel> Did wiki instead of work.
<Hunter|Firefly> Meant to copy that
<Hunter|Firefly> Anyway, thats what I did all day
<Hunter|Firefly> Wiki
<Angel> Yah but you're a kid :P
<Doc> lawl
* Hunter|Firefly shrugs
<Angel> Working at a lawnmower store
<Hunter|Firefly> heh
<Hunter|Firefly> Not really lawnmower and not really store
<Angel> I have two multimillion dollar plants on my plate
<Angel> And I'm doing VE wiki work :P
<Hunter|Firefly> Haha
Comment: At least he has his priorities straight
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#1473 (2) [X]
<Dante> Pretty sure that one was just an unforunate accident
<Hunter> Like you?
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#1397 (7) [X]
<Rogueboy> hey Anal isn't just between two guys
<Jeg> Yeah, Tanus spoke to me.
Comment: What timing . . .
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#289 (5) [X]
* Wicket acts as one of the annoying by standers
<Merrick> acts
<Merrick> ?
<Wicket> true
* Wicket is one of the annoying by standers
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#278 (4) [X]
* |Japheth| nudges Ani.
[Tylen] hehe...that tickles
[|Japheth|] What are you, Elmo?
[Tylen] yapi!?
[|Japheth|] ... NO
[Tylen] squeeze me and find out
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VE Quotebook is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL. 711 quotes approved, 104347 quotes pending